Chemical Market Reporter published a full page article on Phase-Transfer Catalysis in the March 15 issue (Fine Chemicals Focus Report page FR8) skillfully written by Clay Boswell. If you are a subscriber with a password, you can read it on the CMR website. This is a good independent article to convince corporate executives who read CMR that PTC programs should be initiated to achieve cost savings to cope with today's competitive market.

PTC Tip of the Month High-Performance PTC Technology for Licensing

PTC Organics has developed several proprietary high-performance phase-transfer catalysis applications which may help your company achieve cost savings and overall better process performance. These PTC systems are available for licensing. If any of these applications may be useful in your current manufacturing or new process development, please contact Marc Halpern at +1 856-222-1146 or by E-mail.


Please forward this PTC Tip of the Month to your colleagues and encourage them to subscribe

PTC Training - 2-day PTC Course

The 2-day course "Practical Phase-Transfer Catalysis" will be conducted in the US in May 2004. Click here for agenda. Click here for registration or contact us by E-mail, website, telephone (+1 856-222-1146) or fax (+1 856-222-1124).
          May 3-4, 2004 - Mt. Laurel, New Jersey (near PTC Organics)
          Anytime - private in-house course (optional Opportunity Identification Session under secrecy agreement)

PTC Training - 1-hr PTC Teleseminar on June 1, 2004- FREE

PTC Organics is offering to selected qualified companies a private session of the PTC tele-seminar entitled "Reducing Cost of Manufacture of Organic Chemicals Using Phase-Transfer Catalysis" see abstract at www.ptcorganics.comsemabs.htm. If your company qualifies, the seminar will be conducted by telephone on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 with a PowerPoint presentation (to be sent prior to the seminar) and can be accessed from anywhere in the world with a telephone. Register by contacting Marc Halpern at tel 856-222-1146 (US) or by E-mail

PTC Organics reserves the right to determine the participating companies which will be selected from the industrial customers or potential industrial customers of PTC Organics.

Inexpensive patent attorney (United States) familiar with Phase-Transfer Catalysis, organic chemistry and biochemistry. Contact Mannie Morgenstern by E-mail or at telephone 818-788-5531 (California). 

Need a 10% Yield Increase? Process Improvement?

Contact PTC Organics by E-mail, website, telephone (+1 856-222-1146) or fax (+1 856-222-1124)
to achieve rapid BREAKTHROUGH process improvement and improve profit margin and competitiveness using Phase-Transfer Catalysis for:

* Etherification * N-Alkylation * C-Alkylation * S-Alkylation * Cyanation * Dehydrohalogenation * Reactions of HCl/HBr * Strong Base Reactions using NaOH instead of methoxide, t-butoxide, sodium amide, sodium hydride, sodium metal * Michael Addition * Aldol Condensation * Wittig * Carbene Reactions * Darzens Condensation * 

* Esterification * Transesterification * Nucleophilic Substitution using Fluoride, Iodide, Bromide, Azide, Hydroxide, Cyanide, Alkyl Halides, Epichlorohydrin, Allyl Chloride, Benzyl Chloride, Acyl Halides, Sulfonyl Halides, Methane Sulfonyl Chloride, Phosphoryl Halides, Carbamoyl Halides, Anhydrides, Thiocyanate, Sulfite, Nitrite *

* Oxidation using Hypochlorite, Hydrogen Peroxide, Oxygen, Permanganate, Dichromate * Epoxidation * Reduction * Borohydride * Hydrogenation * 

As the world leader in industrial phase-transfer catalysis, PTC Organics offers PTC Breakthrough Process Screening for rapid and highly effective evaluation of breakthrough high-performance low-cost phase-transfer catalysis processes. 

Pharma - for PTC options during route selection, contact Marc Halpern by E-mail, website or telephone (+1 856-222-1146).

PT Catalyst of the Month Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide

Inexpensive. Works well when interfacial tension needs to be reduced. Can be introduced as an aqueous solution.
Forms emulsions which may be very difficult to break which can make workup a nightmare.
Reactivity Parameters (Contact PTC Organics for explanation)
Organophilicity C# = 19; Accessibility q-value = 3.06 (forms tight ion pairs)

Availability, Samples and Quotes from Competitors

Request samples and quotes from:
Zeeland, Trigon (click on link)

Other Phase-Transfer Catalysts:
PTC Supplier Directory:
choose from a dozen suppliers & 80 PT catalysts and ask for free samples & quotes.
TDA-1 [Trisdioxaheptylamine (70384-51-9)]: Joel Udell published the availability of 200 kg of TDA-1 at $43/kg on 2/20/04. I haven't seen this price since the early 1990's. Contact Joel directly at


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To receive the "PTC Tip of the Month," contact us at and note "Subscribe to Tip" in the Comments or by telephone at +1 856-222-1146.

Before performing any PTC reactions read this important message
Organic chemical reactions are inherently dangerous. Moreover, phase-transfer catalysis may provide rate and other enhancements which can intensify associated hazards. Under no circumstances should anyone perform any procedure on any scale based in whole or in part on any of the contents of this information provided here before thoroughly establishing safe operating procedures and performing a full and competent hazardous operations analysis with the participation of qualified technical personal trained in chemical, engineering, safety, industrial hygiene and environmental disciplines and sciences.

The list of PTC Tip of the Month subscribers will not be sold, rented or transferred and will be used only by PTC Communications, Inc. and PTC Organics, Inc. to provide information related to Phase-Transfer Catalysis. PTC Communications, Inc. reserves the right to distribute the PTC Tip of the Month to selected industrial chemists, engineers and managers.

PTC Tip of the Month #19 - April 2004
Copyright 2004 PTC Communications, Inc.

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