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PTC Contract Research
Scope, Description & Logistics

  |  PTC Process Screening  |  PTC Process Development

PTC Process Screening & Development Program



PTC Organics applies highly-specialized expertise in Phase-Transfer Catalysis in cost-effective programs to screen and develop high-performance low-cost PTC processes.

Focus - Process Screening & Development

"PTC Screening" matches the needs of process development programs very well. At the outset of a process development program, several process options, including phase-transfer catalysis, need to be screened to reach a firm conclusion regarding the highest performance process option while minimizing investment of R&D resources. Time is also of the essence. PTC Process Screening determines proof-of-concept by laboratory development by PTC Organics’ dedicated PTC experts.

Once proof-of-concept is established, the customer can [1] take the process in-house for further development or [2] contract with PTC Organics to perform "PTC Process Development" to achieve a high-performance PTC process ready for scale-up. Alternatively, the customer can perform PTC process screening and development in-house, building upon PTC Organics’ highly specialized PTC expertise under a consulting arrangement.

PTC Contract Research Program Options

     1. PTC Process Screening

               proof-of-concept in ~ 3 weeks in PTC Organics’ lab

2. PTC Process Development

               define process parameters for high-performance PTC process ready for scale-up

More detailed descriptions of the PTC Program options are shown below.

Contact Dr. Marc Halpern at PTC Organics

tel: +1 856-222-1146      fax: +1 856-222-1124      E-mail

PTC Contract Research

Phase I – PTC Process Screening


"PTC Process Screening" is the first stage of PTC Contract Research and is designed to provide the customer with a resource-efficient and conclusive answer to the question "Is phase-transfer catalysis likely to be the best process option?" at the outset of the company’s process screening & development program for a specific reaction.

Initiating the Project

A project is initiated when the customer provides a "Project Description" under secrecy agreement. The Project Description is a rather simple form (86K pdf file) which includes drawings of the specific molecular structures of the product and reactants for a specific chemical reaction and a summary of the desired Performance Targets for the reaction. The customer optionally (preferably) attaches background information about the reaction and process constraints for the project.

PTC Process Screening in PTC Organics’ Laboratory

PTC Organics dedicates its best efforts, highly specialized expertise in Phase-Transfer Catalysis and laboratory resources to design, redesign and execute an experimental program in PTC Organics’ laboratory, including highly specialized PTC techniques, to determine proof-of-concept and promising results for the PTC process option.

PTC Screening Report

At the end of PTC Process Screening, PTC Organics composes a PTC Screening Report. The report describes the procedures, results and rationale for the design of the experimental program. The report provides analysis of the results and ramifications as measured against the pre-defined Performance Targets. The report includes recommendations which are particularly valuable for further development, if the customer chooses to proceed to the next stage. The report also includes a critique of selected relevant PTC literature. Overall, the PTC Screening Report provides an excellent basis for making decisions justified by data, rationale and the best PTC expertise available with a cost-effective investment of resources.

Other Logistics of PTC Process Screening

PTC Process Screening includes all internal expertise of PTC Organics’ experts, all lab work in PTC Organics' laboratory, written reports, one initial and one final meeting at PTC Organics’ site (or at the customer's site at the customer's expense), waste disposal, supplies, analytical (GC, HPLC and wet methods are included; does not include GC-MS, LC-MS or NMR) and all other routine lab activities. Phase-transfer catalysts, solvents and routine chemicals are included. Raw materials, analytical samples, analytical methods and MSDS’s are provided by the customer. Certain chemistries are not performed by PTC, such as work with controlled substances, phosgene and lower mercaptans. Most other chemistries are acceptable, including work with cyanide, azide, epichlorohydrin, dimethyl sulfate, acrylonitrile, benzyl chloride, allyl chloride, PCl3, fluoride and most standard organic and inorganic chemicals. Special capital items, travel to the customer site, additional face-to-face meetings and other non-routine items are not included and need to be agreed upon.

Phase II – PTC Process Development


"PTC Process Development" is an optional second stage of PTC Contract Research and is designed to define the PTC process parameters to achieve a high-performance PTC process ready for scale-up.

Initiating the Project

The customer and PTC Organics agree on the overall scope of the PTC Development stage based on the results and recommendations provided in the PTC Screening Report. Once the overall scope of the project is defined and agreed upon, PTC Organics composes a detailed design of the initial experimental program. The initial design of the experimental program is likely to be modified during the course of the development, however, the overall scope of the project generally remains the same.

PTC Development in PTC Organics’ Laboratory

PTC Organics dedicates its best efforts, highly specialized expertise in Phase-Transfer Catalysis and laboratory resources to design, redesign and execute an experimental program in PTC Organics’ laboratory, including highly specialized PTC techniques, to achieve a high-performance PTC process ready for scale-up. The process parameters evaluated are specific to each process and generally include: identity of the phase-transfer catalyst, solvent, hydration factors, identity of base (this is often the key parameter when relevant), effects of anion & leaving group, co-catalyst, agitation, concentrations & mole ratios, temperature and order & rate of addition. The results monitored are specific to each process and generally include: conversion rate (kinetic profile), selectivity (especially for water-sensitive reactants & products) and isolated yield & product assay (if the customer chooses to invest in developing separation/work-up procedures).

Reporting During PTC Process Development

From time to time during PTC Development, PTC Organics and the customer will contact each other (usually by telephone, E-mail or fax) to discuss the project progress, results and plans. It is usually the case that the integration of PTC Organics’ expertise with the background project expertise of the customer’s chemists and engineers leads to the most efficient use of development resources while enhancing the probability of success. An ongoing discussion also provides the customer with the opportunity to make decisions about adjusting the duration of the project.

At the end of PTC Process Development, PTC Organics composes a PTC Development Report. The report describes the procedures, results and rationale for the design of the experimental program. The report provides analysis of the results and ramifications as measured against the pre-defined (or re-defined) Performance Targets. The report includes other recommendations relevant to the anticipated scale-up. The key portion of the report is the recommended detailed procedure for scale up. Scale-up should not be performed before conducting a formal comprehensive safety and environmental review (hazop analysis, etc.).

Other Logistics of PTC Process Development

Same as for PTC Process Screening

Contact Dr. Marc Halpern at PTC Organics

tel: +1 856-222-1146      fax: +1 856-222-1124      E-mail

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